InBox: Reader Survey
We have so far received close to 300 responses from readers on what they would like to see more of, comments on our overall content, and level of satisfaction with Nordstjernan.

61% are very satisfied, would recommend Nordstjernan to friends who are Swedish or American with Swedish roots, seem to enjoy the overall content and commentary and columns. 85% of this group is American born, and yet around 20% seem to speak perfect Swedish.
17% satisfied
22% neutral
All of those who are neutral were born in Sweden, would like to see more news from Sweden or more analytical features from Sweden and also more in the Swedish language. 50% of this group would nevertheless recommend Nordstjernan. 65% of the satisfied group would probably recommend the newspaper and 35% would definitely recommend it. All the readers that are very satisfied would recommend Nordstjernan to a friend. [Please do /Ed.]


We haven’t so far received comments from anyone who is unsatisfied, but many have suggestions for future content and most have special points of interest and areas they enjoy or would like to see more of. These include:
Traditions and trivia
Food and recipes
Summaries of Swedish news
Language and practice texts, including pronunciation

When it comes to what you look for in Nordstjernan, 52% of all mention news from a variety of Swedish communities in the U.S., 45% mention columns and commentary, 35% mention genealogy and 30% mention Swedish news summaries

20% mentioned they miss or would definitely like to see more:
Swedish humor and jokes
Poetry, rhymes, political cartoons in Swedish
Historical pieces on immigrants and Sweden’s culture

When it comes to what you all miss from Sweden, if you do, it seems you all yearn for the same things or have the same cravings:
Spring (våren), konditorier, mums-mums, svenska räkor

Most if not all get additional information about Sweden over the Internet, through family and friends in Sweden and through the U.S. Swedish institutions, such as ASI in Minnesota and the museums in Chicago or Philadelphia.

One comment deserves to be repeated:
“I’m not on the Internet so stay with the printed format and keep up the good work!” Thanks for that, we will and we’ll continue to do our very best.